How cine film was transfered to digital video
Cine film, picture and sound, may be conformed into digital files and old family films can be viewed once again in digital format played on a television screen.
However, to achieve this, the photographic images preserved on these old reels of film are reproduced in an entirely different medium to the photo-chemical process used originally. Cine film is photo-chemical and mechanical in technique. Video is electronic.
VIDEO Reference Bars
camera output showing test reference bars.
The bars demonstrate that the camera video output is correct. The test pattern is used as a reference to set up and correctly adjust the Video Monitor screen.
Waveform Monitor Reference Bars
Video camera output displayed on Waveform monitor showing test reference bars.
Here is a representation of the reference bars shown on a waveform monitor. The waveform monitor displays information about the video picture.
Vectorscope Monitor
Video camera output showing test reference bars on Vectorscope.
Here is a representation of the reference bars shown on a vectorscope monitor. The vectorscope displays the chromacity of the video picture. The bars demonstrate that the camera video chroma output is correct.
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