Once the processed cine film was returned, it was ready for projection
Eumig silent dual-standard projector capable of projecting both Standard 8mm, and also, Super 8mm films.
& Howell DCR projector for Super 8mm cine film has magnetic sound
replay and also record. Sound was recorded on the film magnetic stripe
along the edge of the film beside the picture.
Magnetic stripe sound film (shown above) was available as new film stock. The sound could be recorded 'combined' in the camera as the film picture was taken, or later once the film was returned after processing.
Alternatively, magnetic stripe could be applied later to the edited film, either as magnetic oxide paste, or as thin magnetic laminate cemented to the film edge. The magnetic stripe was applied to the film along the entire length. However, a 'balancing stripe' was necessary to stop the film coils winding askew on the reel. This balancing stripe was added alongside the perforations. The balancing stripe, while originally never intended for recording, was sometimes used for recording using special 'dual-track' sound projectors.
Duplicate Film
Some 8mm films were made as duplicates. For instance, a wedding event where copies were required. Therefore the duplicate film stock then in use use may have faded colour. The use of duplicate film stock always resulted in higher contrast and a loss of shadow detail. Rarely, home movies taken in certain politically sensitive foreign destinations were returned from Kodak processing as duplicates.
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