

JUNE 2024

High-resolution scanning of Medium Format Dufay slide transparency films, including colour correction, remounting card mounts

Dufaycolor envelope. Dufaycolor film envelope

Note: Original slide remains unaltered.

Here are some examples of colour transparencies from 1937 produced in the Dufaycolor process.

Dufaycolour Seascape with figure. Circa 1936.

Note mould damage to the special mosaic emulsion

Dufaycolor transparency of woman in swimming costume on rock with sea. Circa 1936. Dufaycolor circa 1937 Dufay colour trasparency 1937


Incorrectly exposed Dufaycolor transparencies were marked on the black card mounts thus:
" O ".... Over-exposed
" X " .... Under-exposed
" S.O " Slightly Over-exposed
" S.X " Slightly Under-exposed
" ? ".... Not Sharp

16mm Cine Dufaycolor was launched in the UK in September 1934

Dufaycolor Cine Film Examples :

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