
Film Reels & Fish & Chips Small PictureFRIDAY FILM AND FISH & CHIP SHOW !

'STOLEN FACE' (1953) ~ Walter Harvey Cinematography ~Friday 13th September, 2013

Paul Henreid and Lizabeth Scott 'Stolen Face' (1953) Paul Henreid and Lizabeth Scott

The 16mm print is on Kodak stock edge code ' plus edge code triangle edge code ' is for 1953 and is of theatrical density. It is an original print.

The cinematography for this Hammer production is by Walter Harvey who was elder brother of actress Lilian Harvey. His camera shows a mastery of light and shade. Creating an almost claustrophobic atmosphere with the interior of the country inn. The moment when Paul Henreid first sees Lizabeth Scott is beautifully achieved by Harvey.

"Ritter, you are a fool !" exclaims elderly Lady Harringay to Paul Henreid who has just refused one thousand pounds to give her another face lift. This shows his moral character and the plot for the film as he believes he can use his surgical art to create his lost love and from this point everything goes horribly wrong for him.


British International Pictures Cinephon 35mm Camera Elstree 1932 35mm BIP Elstree/UFA 'Cinephon' camera of 1932 used by BIP cameraman Walter Harvey. The gate pressure plate and prism moved away to allow direct view through the lens. Cameramen at Elstree then were Claude Friese-Greene.

BIP Elstree Cinephon 35mm Camera Buckle-Trip 35mm BIP Elstree 'Cinephon' camera of 1932 Showing buckle-trip motor cut out device. The camera has direct reflex viewing through the back of the thin (orthochromatic in those days) film stock while shooting. When setting focus between shots, a separate prism could be moved into position that allowed direct viewing through the lens.The body has a cork sound-absorbing cover. Drive was through flexible shafts to a motor that interlocked with a separate optical sound camera that recorded the synchonised optical sound track. Dalas Bower was in charge of the sound department.

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